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A jQuery plugin to animate any element using animate.css (by daneden) classes. Chain multiple animations and add extra css properties for the duration of the animations.

Example (jsfiddle)

Source v1.01

* @name: $.fn.animateCss
* @author: Tobias Järvelöv <>
* @created: 2016-05-05
* @version: 1.01
* @url:
* @dependencies:
  jQuery > 1.8
* @description:
    jQuery plugin to animate any element using animate.css (by daneden) classes.
    Chain multiple animations and add extra css properties for the duration
* @changelog:
  v1.01: Convert to bower package
  v1.0: Initial release
(function($) {
  $.fn.animateCss = function(options) {
    var settings = $.extend({
      animations: [], //animate.css animations to apply e.g. ['fadeOut', 'fadeIn']
      css: false, //Object with css properties e.g. { color: '#000', fontSize: '14px' }
      cssDelay: 0, //Delay removal of css properties with given delay e.g. 1000 = 1 sec
    }, options);

    var module = {
      addAnimation: function(element, className) {
        var def = $.Deferred(function(def) {
          var animationEnd = 'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend';

          //Add animation classes
          $(element).addClass('animated ' + className).one(animationEnd, function(e) {
            var classNames = e.currentTarget.className.split(' ')

            if($.inArray(className, classNames)) {
            } else {

        return def.promise();
      removeAnimation: function(element, className) {
        var def = $.Deferred(function(def) {
          $(element).removeClass('animated ' + className);

        return def.promise();
      init: function(element) {
        var def = $.Deferred();

        //When the deferred object is resolved, apply css, if any
        def.then(function() {
          if(settings.css) {

        //Programmatically build the sequence of animations
        var promises = [def.promise()]; //Use the main deferred object as the first one in the chain
        $.each(settings.animations, function(i, className) {
          var animation = $.Deferred();

          //When the first promise is resolved, move on the the second, then the third etc.
          promises[i].done(function() {
            //Apply the animation class to the element
            module.addAnimation(element, className)
            //When the animation has finished remove the applied class
            .done(function() {
              module.removeAnimation(element, className)
              //Finally resolve the deferred object
              .done(function() {

          //Push this promise to the array for the next animation to hook on to

        //When last promise is either resolved or rejected clean up element
        promises[promises.length -1].always(function() {
          //Remove applied css, if any
          if(settings.css) {
            $.each(settings.css, function(property) {
              settings.css[property] = '';

            setTimeout(function() {
            }, settings.cssDelay);


        //Invoke the chain

    if($(this).length > 0) {
      return module.init($(this), options);

    return module;